What a wonderful, busy, hectic, fun day it was Monday at the Salt Lake City Community
College! As you probably know, we have had our SHAPE Utah conference there at the
Lifetime Activity Center for the past two years!
I want to thank Nate Thomas and the staff at SLCC for all the help and support. From
placing orders for drinks, to setting up sound and stage, the staff there did a fantastic
job of supporting our dream.
Of course I could not take another sentence without giving a major shout-out to the
Executive Board and the Vice-Presidents of SHAPE Utah! Sarah Roundy has served tirelessly
and run miles (literally) while being our Executive Director. Dr. Tim Best, our outgoing
Past President has been a fantastic liaison, giving speeches around Utah, and leading
with a calm and professional hand.
Aaron Hunt was a great support for finding our outstanding symposium speakers. Bryan
Boothe ran a fantastic conference for Adapted Physical Education which I hope will
continue for years to come! McKenzie Stowell (Health), Elizabeth “Izzy” Gustafson
(Media) Cecilia Carter (Elementary PE), Sally Williams (Secondary PE) and Dan Line
(Athletics and Coaching) all helpedtirelessly this year, as well as throughout the
day. I can't leave out Lori Cummings who oversaw the new coffee talk series as well
as volunteers! Jodi Parker and Teri Davis from the Utah Board of Education helped
with awards and did so much behind-the-scene work!
All of the board members put in hours to make sure that our one-day conference ran
smoothly, and I have to say - I think it did!
Thanks to all who came, voted, filed out multiple QR codes, and filed in and out of
classrooms! I hope that your experience leads you to become better teachers and more
confident presenters!
My hopes are: 1) That those of you who came will continue to come! 2) You will want
to further the work within our association, either by joining, volunteering, or participating
as future presenters. 3) You will see the need of having an organization such as SHAPE
Utah, and you will encourage your colleagues to also join us!
It has been my privilege and honor to serve as your president for the past year.
Katie Lowery
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Issue 3 |
June 2023 Message from Dr. Tim Best, Past President